About Us
The elements that existed during the formation of the planets and the Sun billions of years ago and the stones formed by environmental factors over millions of years have become a part of their own bodies thanks to the discovery of them and symbolizing them with collective consciousness. Tens of thousands of years ago, people wearing seashells and animal teeth as jewelry placed special symbols and cultural narratives on the jewelry for themselves, blessed important moments with these jewelry, and made these symbols a part of their lives. Gifts to kings, seal rings, and the use of rings as a symbol of marriage and loyalty are examples of the union that people establish with their jewelry. In certain periods of history, beliefs developed that jewels have extraordinary powers, protect people from evil or bring luck. For this reason, jewelry has become a mental and spiritual part of people rather than just an aesthetic concern.
The fact that Anatolia has been the cradle of civilizations for centuries, that it forms a bridge in the east-west and north-south axis, and that it has a magnificent mosaic of belief, makes it important to always remember what happened here. Home to the first civilizations such as Hittite, Urartu, Phrygia, Lydia, and revealing the ideas that shaped the history, synthesizing the east and west in the Hellenistic period, hosting three great empires such as Western Rome, Eastern Rome and Ottoman, Mediterranean Civilizations, Egyptian Civilization and Persia Anatolian Civilizations, which have influenced each other with their empire, are the home and idea of a great wealth in terms of history and geography. Unfortunately, the rejection of the ancient societies and civilizations of Anatolia with a shallow understanding of nationalism by the societies that have lived on these lands for centuries has led to blindness today. This rejection of his own culture prevented Anatolia from seeing the necessary value, his works were not protected or even plundered by other ethnic or political groups. As Porpora, we think we have a responsibility to create a historical and cultural curiosity, love and consciousness in the field of jewelry-design. For this reason, we consider it an important part of our mission to contribute to the richest lands and societies of the world with its generosity and colors.

Hasan Yegen was born in Bursa in 1955. After the primary school education he received here, he completed his secondary and high school education in Italian High School and was entitled to enter the "Tourism and Hotel Management" department of Boğaziçi University. Although he transferred to the 'Studi Tourist' department in 'Universita di Bologna' in 1980, he continued his university life in the department of "Archeology and Art History - Front Asian Archeology" at Istanbul University, benefiting from the general student amnesty in 1981. While his university life was continuing, he married Saadet Yegen and started to work as a national tourist guide and realized his desire to share his knowledge. Hasan Yegen, who established businesses such as restaurants, tile-pottery design workshops and cultural centers in Nevşehir - Cappadocia region between 1986 and 2004, then returned to Istanbul and carried out detailed research and studies on the history, forms, techniques and stones of Anatolian and World civilizations. . Although he designed his first products for himself, his family and his friends, he founded Porpora Design in 2015 in order to increase the awareness of the people living on these lands of their cultural richness and to introduce it to other countries, and introduced his first collection that he has been working on for 2 years.